Assessing the Risks: When Creditors Should Consider Contesting a Discharge

Sep 16, 2024Bankruptcy


In the complex landscape of bankruptcy, creditors are often faced with the decision of whether to contest a debtor’s discharge. This decision is not to be taken lightly, as it involves detailed legal assessments and an understanding of both the potential benefits and the risks. Here’s what creditors need to know about contesting a discharge, and how Tatman Legal can assist in navigating these waters.

Understanding Discharge in Bankruptcy

A discharge in bankruptcy is a court order that releases a debtor from personal liability for certain types of debts. This means that once a discharge is granted, the creditors can no longer take action against the debtor to collect the debts. However, there are certain conditions under which a discharge can be contested by creditors.

Grounds for Contesting a Discharge

Creditors may consider contesting a discharge if they suspect that the debtor has engaged in fraudulent activities, such as:

  • Concealing or misrepresenting assets: Failing to disclose all assets or providing false information about assets can be grounds for a discharge challenge.
  • Fraudulent transfers: Transferring assets to friends or family to hide them from creditors prior to filing for bankruptcy.
  • False statements: Providing incorrect information on bankruptcy documents or during proceedings.

These actions can affect the integrity of the bankruptcy process, and if proven, may lead to the denial of the debtor’s discharge.

Assessing the Risks

Before deciding to contest a discharge, creditors must carefully assess the risks and potential rewards:

  • Legal Costs: Contesting a discharge can be costly. Ensure that the potential recovery justifies the legal expenses.
  • Success Rate: Consider the strength of the evidence. Discharge challenges that are based on strong evidence of fraud are more likely to succeed.
  • Impact on Recovery: Even if successful, consider how much more might be recovered. Sometimes, the cost of contesting the discharge may exceed the additional recovery.

How Tatman Legal Can Help

Tatman Legal specializes in creditors’ rights and understands the nuances of bankruptcy law. Our experienced team can help you:

  • Evaluate the evidence: We can help determine the strength of your case and the likelihood of success.
  • Navigate legal proceedings: If you decide to proceed, our attorneys will guide you through the complex legal landscape of contesting a discharge.
  • Manage legal costs: We focus on efficient legal strategies to keep costs reasonable while pursuing your rights.


Deciding whether to contest a debtor’s discharge is a significant decision that requires careful legal consideration. At Tatman Legal, we are committed to providing our clients with the expertise and guidance needed to make informed decisions. If you suspect fraudulent activity or need advice on contesting a discharge, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let us help you ensure that your rights are protected throughout the bankruptcy process.